Non-TSO Flight Instruments

Airspeed Indicators (Non TSO’d): These indicators come in two sizes, 2-1/4″ and 3-1/8″. Models are available that cover a wide range of speeds with scale readings in MPH, Knots, or Kilometers. Single and dual scale markings are available. Color range markings can be added upon request.

Altimeters: Our Altimeters are high quality affordable,single pointer type. Ranges of 10,000 to 20,000 feet are available in 3-1/8″ or 2-1/4″ sizes, with increment markings every 100 feet. A metric 0-3000 meters is also available. The barometric setting can be ordered to read in inches of mercury or milli-bars.

Vertical Speed Indicator: Our Vertical Speed indicators are available in either 2-1/4″ or 3-1/8″ sizes. We offer them labeled as either “Vertical Speed”, “Climb”, “Rate of Change”, or “Cabin Climb”.

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