Electronic Tachometers
Electronic Tachometers
1 1/4″, 2 1/4″ & 3 1/8″ Aircore Propeller tach for Rotax912/914 engines, connects to tach coil, calibrated to Propeller RPM, not Engine RPM! Custom color marking available, internal light optional! Hourmeter can be set to count engine time or flight time and preset to any numbers —(must be done at UMA facility)!—Standard setting 800rpm & above. White or Antique yellow dial with black numbers available, per request!

3-1/8" Tachometers with Built-in Hourmeter (starts @ 1800rpm and above)
Weight: 9.0 Oz. Case:ABS Valox 420 Plastic
Part # | Application | Signal Source | RPM Range | Dial Marking |
19-811-102 | Lycoming/Continental Mech. Tach port | 1A3-4 TSU | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-811-112 | Lycoming/Continental Mech. Tach port | 1A3-4 TSU | 0-3500 | GA 500-2700, RR 2700 |
19-811-101* | Lycoming/Continental Magneto pickup | T1A9-(1 or 2) | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-106 | Jabiru 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-206 | Rotax 503/582/618 using DCDI | Tach Output | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-201 | Rotax 912/914 | Tach Output | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-206 | Rotax 377/477, Hirth, Bosch Mag/Gen | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-206 | Any 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-205 | Any 10 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-106 | Any 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-105 | Any 10 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-202 | Ignition (2 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-816-10x | P-Lead connection (x=1 for 4cyl & C for 6cyl) | Slick P-Lead | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-203 | Ignition (3 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-204 | Ignition (4 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-819-40D | Rotec radial engine (7&9 cyl)(3.5&4.5 Pulse per rev) | 1 | 0-4000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-81H-F1S | Prop tach, 2.43:1 ratio, for Rotax 912/914 engines | Signal Coil | 0-3000 | GA585-2250,YA2250-2350,RL@2350 |
*19-811-101 for 4 cylinder engines 19-811-10C for 6 cylinder engines
19-811-XXX require sending units:
N1A9-2D: Dual Bendix mag pickup
T1A9-1: Slick mag pickup (single mag)
T1A9-2: Bendix mag pickup (single mag)
T1A3-4: TSU (picks signal up from tach drive port) 1A3C-2: TSU with 3 pin connector

2-1/4" Tachometers (pin#4 for external hourmeter, starts@1800 rpm and above-standard setting)
For 1 1/4″ Tach change 3rd digit in part # to 2 ie. 19-219-201
Weight:2.0 Oz. Case:ABS Plastic (1 1/4″ uses Aluminum case)
Part # | Application | Signal Source | RPM Range | Dial Marking |
19-511-102 | Lycoming/Continental Mech. Tach port | 1A3-4 TSU | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-511-112 | Lycoming/Continental Mech. Tach port | 1A3-4 TSU | 0-3500 | GA 500-2700, RR 2700 |
19-511-101* | Lycoming/Continental Magneto pickup | T1A9-(1 or2) | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-106 | Jabiru 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-516-10x | P-Lead connection (x=1 for 4cyl & C for 6cyl) | Slick P-Lead | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-206 | Rotax 503/582/618 using DCDI | Tach Output | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-201 | Rotax 912/914 | Tach Output | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-206 | Rotax 377/477, Hirth, Bosch Mag/Gen | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-206 | Any 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-205 | Any 10 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-106 | Any 12 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-105 | Any 10 Pole Mag/Generator | Lighting Coil | 0-3500 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-202 | Ignition (2 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-203 | Ignition (3 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-204 | Ignition (4 Pulses per rev) | (-)Ignition Coil | 0-7000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-519-40D | Rotec radial engine (7 cylinders)(3.5 Pulses per rev) | 1 | 0-4000 | BLACK & WHITE |
19-51H-F1S | Prop tach, 2.43:1 ratio, for Rotax 912/914 engines | Signal Coil | 0-3000 | GA585-2250,YA2250-2350,RL@2250 |
*19-511-101 for 4 cylinder engines and 19-511-10C for 6 cylinder engines
19-511-XXX require sending units:
T1A9-1: Slick mag pickup (mounts to the vent hole)
T1A9-2:Bendix mag pickup (mounts to the vent hole)
T1A3-4: TSU (mounts to the existing tach drive port)

T1A9-X Tach Mag Pickup
Our TSO’d tach mag pickups are available for slick(T1A9-1) and Bendix(T1A9-2)
Lighting Coil
UMA Lighting Coil tachometers are designed to connected to the positive going output of the Lighting coil. Signal voltage of 3 volts peak or greater is required (600V Peak Max).
Ignition Coil
These tachometers are desiged for use in a traditional point/condenser automotive type of ignition system. The input lead of the tachometer is connected to the negative side of the coil.

Magneto P-Lead
UMA P-Lead Tachometers are designed to work with Slick brand magnetos. They are not guaranteed to work with Bendix brand magnetos. To facilitate a “Mag Check”, we recommend that a switch be installed to switch the input of the tachometer between the two magnetos. Installation instructions for OLD Tachometer; Installation instructions for DB9 (new) Tachometer; Installation instructions for two Tachometers (Front & Rear).

Part # | Voltage | Resolution |
13-300-10 (sq) | 5-35 VDC | 1/100 Hr |
13-400-10 (round) | 5-35 VDC | 1/100 Hr |
Miniature Hourmeter (0-9,999.99)(starts counting when power ON)
Weight 2 1/4″: 9.8 Oz. Case: Plastic. | Weight Miniature: 1.8 Oz. Case: Plastic